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Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Running a Dental Practice

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Running a dental practice, like any business, is like trying to keep several plates spinning at once. You need to be a mixture of dentist, manager and business owner. We’ve been running our own dental practices for over 20 years and we know the mistakes you need to avoid to make it successful. Let’s dive into ten important areas where things can go wrong and figure out how to handle them .

Hiring Cheap vs Hiring Right

Navigating the world of managing a dental practice can be tricky, especially when it comes to building a skilled and reliable team. While keeping costs low is important, hiring people just because they’re cheap can lead to big problems. Let’s explore why hiring the right way is crucial and how to tackle this aspect of dental practice management.

The Pitfalls of Going for Cheap Hires

It might seem like a good idea to hire people who ask for lower salaries to save money. However, this approach can cause serious issues, like a potential drop in the quality of patient care, less teamwork, and overall hindrance to the growth of your practice.

Instead of only thinking about costs, you need to focus on the long-term benefits of investing in skilled individuals. A talented team not only adds to the clinical excellence of your practice but also contributes to its overall success and lasting power.

Strategies for Hiring Right

Benefits of Hiring Right

Read our article on Building a Dental Team.

Blindly Trusting Partners and Suppliers

Trust is the foundation of a successful partnership. This is especially true when it comes to your suppliers and contractors like builders, maintenance and architects. However, blindly trusting professionals without careful consideration can lead to unexpected problems.

The Risks of Blindly Trusting

While trust is crucial for good professional relationships, blindly trusting can expose your dental practice to various risks, including poor work quality, budget overruns, and project delays. Putting your practice’s foundation in the hands of the first expert without thorough consideration could have consequences affecting both your financial stability and patient care.

Navigating Professional Relationships

Benefits of Strategic Trust-Building

Find out more about our Dental Buying Group to make sure you get the right suppliers and partners.


Did You Know?

  1. Patient Retention vs. Acquisition Costs: It is more cost-effective to retain an existing patient than to acquire a new one, with retention being up to five times less expensive than acquisition. This emphasizes the need for effective patient retention strategies that engage current patients while maintaining high standards of dental care​​.
    Source: Yapi
  2. Impact of Online Reviews: The average dental practice retains only 41% of new patients, and positive personal recommendations are the top reason patients choose one practice over another. This highlights the importance of word-of-mouth referrals and managing online reviews to enhance the practice’s reputation and patient retention​​.
    Source: Doctor Logic
  3. Dental Billing Errors and Costs: Patient acquisition can cost up to 25 times more than patient retention. Additionally, research shows that the average attrition rate in dentistry is 17%, indicating that focusing on patient retention can significantly impact a practice’s bottom line and efficiency​​.
    Source: Oral Health Group

Personality vs. Package

It’s crucial to build a team that not only has the right clinical skills but also works well together. Relying solely on personal qualities when hiring associates, nurses and front-of-house staff can lead to problems, even though a positive personality can improve the workplace. It’s essential you consider the whole package — skills, qualifications, and compatibility with the team — when making hiring decisions for a well-rounded and successful dental practice.

The Pitfalls of Personality-Driven Hiring

While having a positive and friendly personality is an asset, depending only on this quality during the hiring process may overlook essential factors for a successful dental practice. Hiring associates based mainly on personal qualities could result in a mismatch of skills, inadequate qualifications, and potential disruptions to the team’s collaboration.

Balancing Personality and Proficiency

Benefits of Holistic Hiring

Associates and Employment Tribunals

It’s crucial to understand and follow the details of employment classifications to avoid legal troubles. Failing to distinguish between associates and employees can lead to potential problems, especially ones that could end up in court. Let’s explore the importance of recognizing each team member’s specific status and following employment rules to ensure a legally sound and friendly dental practice environment.

The Complications of Getting it Wrong

Associates and employees have different legal positions with responsibilities, and not recognizing these differences can lead to serious consequences. Misclassifying team members can result in disputes about qualifications, benefits, and potential legal actions that might end up in court.

Navigating Employment Classifications

Benefits of Legal Compliance

Read our article on Leadership Tips for Dentists.

Diversify Workload Distribution

How tasks are assigned among team members plays a crucial role in maintaining efficiency and preventing burnout. Making the mistake of concentrating all tasks in one place—unevenly assigning responsibilities—can lead to a host of problems affecting both your team’s well-being and the overall effectiveness of the practice. Let’s look at the importance of optimizing task distribution to create a fair and productive workplace.

The Pitfalls of Uneven Tasks

Unevenly assigning tasks, whether unintentionally or due to certain team members carrying most of the load, can result in setbacks, lowered morale, and increased burnout. It may lead to reduced job satisfaction, hindering the overall effectiveness of your dental practice.

Strategies for Task Optimization

Benefits of Task Optimization

Rushed Recruitment Practices

Hiring new team members is a critical step that can significantly impact the success and unity of the team. Rushed recruitment, driven by the urgency to quickly fill positions, can lead to hiring individuals who may not align with the values and goals of the practice. 

The Pitfalls of Rushed Hiring

When the recruitment process is hurried, there’s a risk of hiring individuals who lack the necessary skills, cultural fit, or long-term commitment to effectively contribute to the success of the dental practice. This rushed approach can result in increased turnover, decreased camaraderie, and potential disruptions to patient care.

Strategies for Comprehensive Recruitment

The Benefits of Thorough Hiring

Avoid Team Dependency

The success of a practice is closely tied to the strength and diversity of its team. Relying too much on a few key team members can pose significant risks to the practice’s stability and adaptability. Avoiding team dependence and instead building a well-rounded team with diverse skills and qualities ensures flexibility in the face of unexpected challenges.

The Pitfalls of Depending Too Much on a Few

Heavily depending on a few key team members, while seeming efficient in the short term, can lead to vulnerabilities when these individuals are unavailable or encounter unexpected challenges. Team dependence poses risks to continuity, efficiency, and the overall adaptability of the practice.

Strategies to Avoid Team Dependence

Benefits of Avoiding Team Dependence

Not Keeping an Eye on the Finances

Keeping an eye on finances is crucial for long-term success and sustainability. Ignoring careful financial management, especially in the early stages of the practice, can strain resources and hinder the achievement of practice goals. Being mindful of spending, creating realistic budgets, and avoiding unnecessary expenses helps to ensure financial security.

The Pitfalls of Ignoring Financial Prudence

Overlooking the financials can lead to overspending, budget overruns, and financial strain, especially in the developmental stages of a dental practice. This oversight may compromise the practice’s ability to grow strategically, invest in essential resources, and withstand unforeseen financial challenges.

Financial Prudence Strategies

Benefits of Financial Prudence

Check out our articles and webinars on finance for dentists.

Not Seeking Professional Advice

Getting expert advice is essential to run your practice. If a practice doesn’t realize how crucial it is to seek guidance, especially in legal and financial matters, it might end up facing problems that could have been avoided. A great dentist isn’t necessarily a great business owner, so it’s crucial you get the advice of those who are.

The Pitfall of Underestimating Professional Guidance

Underestimating the need for professional advice in legal and financial matters might lead to non-compliance with rules, legal disputes, financial mismanagement, and missed opportunities for strategic growth. Ignoring expert guidance can disrupt the overall success and sustainability of a dental practice.

Approaches for Seeking Professional Counsel

Benefits of Seeking Professional Advice

Book a free consultation with us to find out how we and our partners can help.

Not Embracing Technology and Marketing:

Using technology and adopting effective marketing strategies are crucial for staying competitive and enhancing online visibility. Neglecting technological advancements and marketing efforts can result in missed opportunities for practice growth and patient engagement. This section explores the importance of embracing technology, regularly updating your website, and considering early implementation of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising to propel your dental practice into the digital age.

The Risks of Ignoring Technology

A dental practice may stagnate if it doesn’t embrace technology and leverage the potential of digital marketing. In today’s digital era, patients often seek information online, and a lack of technological integration can lead to reduced visibility, patient engagement, and competitiveness.

Strategies for Marketing and Technology Integration

Benefits of Embracing Innovation and Marketing

In conclusion, successfully managing a dental practice requires a strategic and holistic approach. By avoiding these common mistakes and adopting best practices, you can cultivate a thriving and resilient dental practice that provides excellent patient care and stands the test of time.

Check out our articles and webinars on digital marketing for dentists.

Grow Your Dental Practice with Samera

Join the Samera Alliance buying group today for free to save money on your consumables and assets, increase your profits and grow your dental practice.

You’ll get access to exclusive discounts on the consumables, products and equipment you need to build and grow your dental practice. You’ll also get exclusive discounts from our Alliance Partners, covering everything from HR, IT and legal services to utilities, compliance and dental technology.

Join for free. Save money. Grow your dental practice.

More on Growing a Dental Practice

For more information on growing a dental practice, check out the articles and webinars in our Learning Centre, like our guide on How to Grow a Dental Practice.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

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Arun Mehra

Arun is the founder of the Samera Group, starting the business with just one client sitting at his father’s dining table. Fifteen years on, Team Samera now help hundreds of clients across the globe, run training events and conferences, help clients raise and manage their finances, and helping healthcare professionals start, buy and build their businesses.

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